Affordable, modern, friendly family Dentistry
General Dentistry and Referral Centre for Endodontic and Periodontal Treatment
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Reasons for removing teeth
Tooth removal or extraction is usually the last resort and teeth will normally try to be saved. There are many reasons that teeth have to be removed such as:
Fractured teeth that cannot be repaired
Gross decay and the tooth cannot be filed
Mobility of a tooth due to gum disease (periodontal disease) when the bone support around the tooth is lost.
An abscess around a tooth
Impacted wisdom teeth that are causing repeated pain and infection
For orthodontic reasons were space is required for straightening the teeth
Preparing for an extraction
Before the tooth is extracted, the procedure will be explained to you and you will be asked about your medical history and any experience of previous tooth removal. The tooth will be numbed (anaesthetised) using a local anesthetic. You should not feel any pain or discomfort during the procedure but you will feel some pressure sensations. Sometimes it can be difficult for patients, especially youngsters, to differentiate between pressure and discomfort.
Sedation may be required for some patients who are anxious at the dentist and a referral can be arranged for this.
Tooth removal
Once the area is numbed the dentist will widen the bone (socket) around the tooth and then gently remove the tooth. Very occasionally a tiny stitch maybe placed to help the area heal.
After the tooth has been removed, the area may bleed for a few minutes. You will be asked to bite down on a small gauze to help stop the bleeding so you can go home. The dentist will go through some instructions to tell you how to look after the area which you must follow to prevent any complications. Usually extractions are straight forward and you will not be seen again, however if it was more complicated, a review appointment will be booked.
It is normal for the socket to be sore for a few days and most patients will carry on with their daily activities. Pain killers will be advised to help with the discomfort. If after 3 days, there is no improvement then it is important to have the area checked for any signs of infection. If you have any concerns then it really important that you contact us.
Please see HERE for some further instructions following a tooth extraction.